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Financial Guidance Before, During and After Divorce

On your own, but not alone.


Financial divorce planning ensures a thoughtful settlement and prevents long-term regretful financial decisions during the divorce process. In addition to an already emotional or stressful experience, the financial components of separation and divorce can be daunting. Our service encompasses a complete analysis of all accounts and debt, current and future income sources, your detailed household budget, tax filing status changes and property transactions.  Once you have a clear view of your finances, you are ready to approach a legal settlement that fully incorporates your financial and lifestyle needs.


We work closely with you and the other professionals on your divorce team to ensure that you reach a fair and acceptable settlement.  During this process, we help you identify what is most important, set realistic goals, evaluate settlement options, and make informed financial decisions. Your divorce decree will provide for:


  • Examine various settlement options, including tax impacts

  • Financial projections to visualize the impact of these options

  • Division of marital assets and debts

  • Spousal and/or child support as applicable

  • Health insurance provisions


By clarifying what you ultimately want and need from the settlement and understanding how it will impact your future, you can begin to envision how your next life phase will take shape.  In addition to an already emotional or stressful experience, the financial components of separation and divorce can be daunting. Obtaining education and information will help to inform you of your options.

Post Divorce

We help you rediscover life on your own

It’s normal to want to take a break from all the paperwork and begin to look to the future. We work closely with you as you redefine your next stage of life. As your thinking partner for all things financial, we support you in maximizing your financial resources to ensure you have financial security and are on track to reach your goals. Northstar’s holistic Wealth Management service lets you focus on what is most important in your life. We help with the rest. We work with you to:


  • Complete divorce settlement tasks: retitling, beneficiary changes, moving accounts.

  • Create a new vision of the future.

  • Build a long-term financial plan as a foundation for decision-making.

  • Stress-test your life and financial options.

  • Implement your financial planning recommendations.

  • Develop and execute an investment strategy aligned with your plan.

  • Reduce taxes with tax planning in coordination with your CPA.

  • Collaborate with your estate attorney.

  • Address advanced planning issues (i.e., retirement, social security, company benefits, charitable, and legacy).

  • Assist with real estate transactions.

  • Follow up from meetings with a timeline of what needs to be done and when.

  • Discuss your money and your life in a comfortable judgment-free zone.

Making informed financial decisions throughout your life is critical to growing, protecting, preserving, and enjoying your wealth. After many years of helping women and their families, we have determined that our services best address the financial challenges of those with $1,000,000 or more invested assets (which offers a rough proxy for complexity). Our minimum cost is $7,500 per year (billed quarterly).

Discover How We Can Work Together

Looking to Join a Support Group? 

Learn about our Divorce group, New Beginnings, led by a team of financial, legal, tax, and real estate experts, committed to helping women navigate divorce with confidence.

Download and discover a new support system:

5 Challenges for Women Facing a Major Life Transition


Sound Like You?

We are happy to provide a customized quote at our complimentary Discovery Meeting.

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