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Modern Widows Club

Modern Widows Club is designed to create a safe and private environment for widows to lean into life together through the journey.


Modern Widow's Club is the club no one wants to be in because you only get in by virtue of experiencing a great loss. Yet what we hope you find once you’re here is that you’re surrounded by a community of really amazing women that you can lean on and learn from. MWC is made up of widows helping widows to live- to go upward and onward. Sometimes we cry and sometimes we laugh. We talk about how to tackle challenges without our partners’ help and cheer each other on. We often share food as we do this, because who doesn’t like to eat?

When a woman loses her loved one she tends to feel very alone. Regardless of her age or circumstances, she will benefit from other women in her life who understand the unique challenges she is now faced with. She needs women who will build her up and encourage her in this new life she walks. 

We are stronger together. No woman is an island. We need each other.

Join Modern Widows Club

Northstar is proud to sponsor your local Modern Widows Club chapter!

Widows are invited to attend the Modern Widows Club (MWC) - Southern NH chapter meeting hosted by Northstar Financial Planning. The chapter normally meets on the second Thursday of every month. The meeting is held at our office located at 112 Range Road, Windham, NH. We will gather to socialize at 5:30pm, and the meeting will begin at 6pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Robin Young at (603) 458-2776.

Modern Widows Club is a national non-profit empowering widows to thrive. The mission is to serve to empower widows to lean into life, build resilience and make a positive difference in the world.

Please RSVP:

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