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Risk Management, Personal Safety, Financial Security

Life is full of risks. Some life events like retirement, are known, but others may not be as predictable, such as an account breach, caring for an aging parent, or entering a new relationship. On December 9th, 2021 Risk Management Consultant and Founder of Faer Risk Consulting, Jack Faer, joined Kristina George of Northstar Financial Planning to discuss: How to Consider Managing the Following Risks: Data Breaches Cyber Adversities and Hygiene White Collar Prosecutions Weather Disasters Alzheimer’s Dementia Projections Elderly Exploitations Continuity Planning …and How to Connect Non-Financial Risks to the Financial Picture!

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Long Term Care Planning

Did you know that 52% of individuals over age 65 will need some type of long-term care services in their lifetime? 14% of them will need it for longer than 5 years! The costs of in-home and out-of-home care are both rising annually and are not covered by Medicare. Not only could these expenses drain your retirement account, but could potentially place a financial burden on the other members of your family. Award-winning long-term care specialist, Margie Barrie, joins us to discuss these and other pressing matters regarding long-term care and how you can start to plan for it.

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