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Wealth & Well-Being

New England Women's Leadership Conference

Mindy and Alexa attended the New England Woman's Leadership Annual Summit (www.newli.org) held in June. The 2014 theme was Blazing the Trail, Igniting Your Leadership Talents. Nearly 400 women business owners and professionals attended the event from all over New England. The breakout sessions covered topics from creating a culture for talent in your business to strategies that inspire and lead. Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA was the keynote speaker, and discussed the importance of developing leadership opportunities for girls at an early age, and giving them a sense of purpose. She talked about getting rid of the negative influences in our lives and "only let your fans sit in your front row." She stated that a surprising 75% of women leaders were former girl scouts.

The New England Women's Leadership Institute, a 501 c 3 organization, was created in the fall of 2009 to establish a stable organization devoted to the education of professional women in the areas of Leadership, Vision and Values. The institute offers a variety of cutting edge seminars and events, including the Annual Women's Leadership Summit, their flagship event. At Northstar, we are excited to support this dynamic organization and participate in its offerings.

Please contact us if you would like our feedback on this great organization or would like to join us in attending an event.

Written by Northstar Financial Planning

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