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Wealth & Well-Being

How I Came To Be a Financial Advisor: Journey of a Financial Advisor

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Welcome to the fifth feature of our new series, How I Came to Be a Financial Advisor. Through this year, we've been highlighting one team member in our newsletter who will share their background in, passion for, and future plans in the financial planning profession. There is truly something special that each individual brings to our team, and we can't wait to share it all with you.This month, get to know Alexa Darbe, Partner and Wealth Manager at Northstar.

1. What drew you to the financial planning profession?

 The rewarding nature of helping people, and liking numbers. I love math and psychology and financial planning is perfect marriage of the two.

 2. Were you in a different career before you became a financial planner? 

I worked in the software industry where I was introduced to financial planning. We developed financial planning software and I programmed the calculations. I wasn't familiar with financial planning before then. After a few years of programming, it seemed empty to me and I needed a more personal connection. 

3. Were there any personal experiences that shaped or motivated you to enter this field? 

I started taking CFP classes to better understand the users of our software and what they were trying to accomplish with the software, to make it better. I liked the practical nature of the content and the connections our users were making with their clients. 

4. What do you like most about your profession? 

Working with people and numbers, continuously learning, the variety of each day, being part of a profession where so many planners are such good people who really want to help people make better financial decisions, create less worry, and lead more fulfilling lives. 

5. What motivates you professionally? 

I want to help make personal finance less intimidating. 

6. What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

When a client expresses how much our work together has helped them.

Written by Alexa Darbe in collaboration with Lexicon Content Development

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