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Wealth & Well-Being

Financial Planning Tips For Small Business Owners

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In the huge world of the US economy, small businesses are not just numbers; they are the heart and soul of the financial landscape. However, many small business owners enter the market without understanding how to manage money well. Financial planning is the key to making your business last. As a small business owner, you often do many jobs at once, from being the boss to handling sales. 

It's a lot to handle, but with good financial planning, you can make smart choices. It's not just about having great products or services; you also need to manage your money wisely. To avoid becoming another failed small business, you need to take control of your finances and learn how to make smart choices. In this blog, we will explore some easy-to-follow tips to help small business owners succeed financially.

What Is Financial Planning For Small Businesses?

Financial planning for small businesses is more than just quick tips on managing money. It is an ongoing process that needs regular attention from the business owner. This means setting short-term and long-term goals for your business and finances, and determining how to reach them. You will need to look at your options for funding and do some planning to understand the financial challenges that you will face as your business grows. In simple terms, financial planning for small businesses is about making a plan to help your business grow and succeed over time.

Top Financial Planning Tips For Small Business Owners:

1: Prepare A Complete Budget

Preparing a complete budget is crucial for small business owners. A budget helps you stay focused on your business goals and manage your money wisely. A well-organized budget acts as a financial roadmap, showing you where to allocate your resources and make smart decisions. Budgeting helps you plan for different expenses like operational costs, marketing, and growing your business. Additionally, considering the cost of hiring a financial advisor can be beneficial. While it may seem like an added expense, a skilled advisor can provide valuable insights and strategies to optimize your financial management and potentially save you money in the long run.

On a personal level, it helps you keep track of your spending, save money for the future, and reduce financial stress. Plus, a budget helps you control costs by identifying where you can save money and how much you need to spend on insurance to protect your business. It's also a good idea to have separate budgets for your business and personal expenses to manage your finances better and prepare for any unexpected challenges.

2: Establishing Financial Goals

Whether you want to make more money or increase profits, it's important to have clear goals for the short and long term. Once you know what you are aiming for, you can make a plan to achieve it. Make sure your goals are specific, so you can easily track your progress. 

It's also important to make sure your goals are realistic and achievable based on your current situation. Giving yourself deadlines helps keep you on track and motivated. Writing down your goals makes them feel more real and helps you stay focused. Sharing your goals with others can also keep you accountable and give you extra motivation to reach them faster. By making clear financial goals, you set yourself up for success and growth in your business.

3: Keep A Regular Eye On Expenses

Keeping a close watch on expenses regularly is an essential piece of advice for small business owners when it comes to financial planning. Regularly monitoring where your money goes helps you stay in charge of your finances and make smart choices. By keeping track of expenses consistently, you can spot any unnecessary spending and find ways to save money, whether it's cutting down on subscriptions or negotiating better deals with suppliers. 

This proactive approach lets you use your resources wisely and make your budget work better for your business. Moreover, staying on top of expenses helps you avoid any financial surprises and keeps you moving towards your money goals, whether it's saving up for a new office space or investing in marketing efforts. In short, paying attention to expenses is essential for keeping your business financially healthy and successful in the long run, ensuring that you can navigate financial challenges with confidence and sustain your business's growth over time.

4: Give Priority To Business Investments

Making business investments a priority is an important tip for small business owners looking to secure their financial future. By focusing on investing in your business, you are supporting its growth and building the way for long-term success. Whether it's allocating funds towards upgrading technology infrastructure, diversifying your product offerings, or expanding your team, prioritizing these investments is essential for maintaining competitiveness and stability in the market. 

This strategic approach not only allows you to capitalize on growth opportunities but also enhances operational efficiency and promotes the overall value of your business. Consistently giving importance to these investments allows you to stay ahead of the competition, adapt to market trends, and position your business for long-term growth and profit. Ultimately, making business investments a priority is more than just managing resources; it is about making strategic decisions that move your company forward and ensure its longevity in today's dynamic business environment.

5: Secure Funds For Emergencies

Considering the uncertainties of the future, small business owners should prioritize securing funds for emergencies as part of their financial planning. When variables such as market fluctuations, weather disasters, or political shifts have an impact on businesses, maintaining an emergency fund becomes important. This money acts as a safety net during unexpected challenges like economic downturns or equipment breakdowns. Insufficient savings could lead your business to rely on expensive loans or face the threat of closure.

Financial advisors often suggest saving about 20% of your income for emergencies. This ensures you have enough money to cover important expenses like rent, salaries, and supplies if something goes wrong. It's important to put this money into accounts that earn interest, like savings or money market accounts. And don't forget to cut back on expenses where you can, because every little bit you save adds up over time. The sooner you start saving, the more your money can grow and help you when you need it.

6: Make Smart Choices Regarding Debt

While sometimes borrowing money is necessary for growth or overcoming financial challenges, it's important to be careful and plan ahead. Thinking carefully about the advantages and risks of taking on debt ensures that it fits with your business goals and financial situation. This might mean considering factors like interest rates, how long it will take to pay back, and how it will affect your cash flow. 

By making informed choices about debt, you can avoid getting into financial trouble. Managing debt wisely can also open up opportunities for growth without causing too much financial stress. Overall, being cautious and thinking ahead about debt helps you make choices that set your business up for long-term financial success. 

7: Plan For Your Retirement

Planning for retirement is a major deal for small business owners, even if you are still in your 20s or early 30s. It's never too early to start thinking about it and taking action to make sure you will have enough money to retire comfortably. There are different retirement plans you can choose from such as SEP IRA, one-participant 401(k)s, or traditional and Roth IRA. Each has its own benefits, so it's important to pick the right one for you. 

Setting clear retirement goals and getting advice from a financial advisor are key steps to making sure you will have enough money when you retire. Just like you might talk to an expert about taxes, it's a good idea to talk to someone who knows about retirement planning. With the right planning, you can make sure you will have a comfortable retirement while still running your business successfully.

8: Plan For Taxes

Understanding and preparing for your tax obligations is essential for the financial health of your business. However, navigating the complexities of tax planning can be discouraging, especially if you are trying to tackle it on your own. That's where seeking the assistance of a tax accountant or another financial expert can be invaluable. 

These professionals have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the process, ensuring that you are compliant with tax laws while also optimizing your tax situation to minimize your tax liability. By outsourcing tax planning and preparation, you not only save yourself valuable time but also gain peace of mind knowing that your taxes are being handled accurately and efficiently. Ultimately, tax planning enables you to effectively manage your finances, maximize your savings, and focus on growing your business.

9: Create Plans For Succession And Exiting

Creating plans for passing on your business or exiting it is a key part of financial planning for small business owners. Succession means handing over control to someone else, while an exit plan involves selling or closing down your business. Like managing risks, the SBA (Small Business Administration) provides a guide for succession planning, which also covers selling your business. When deciding what to do with your business, you should consider things like job offers, how well your business is doing financially, and whether you are ready to retire or want to try something new. 

  • For an exit plan, it's important to know how much your business is worth, even if you are not planning to sell it right away. This includes looking at similar businesses that have been sold recently, thinking about factors like who will stay on after the sale, and deciding on payment terms. 
  • For a succession plan, you will need to decide who will take over your business and start training them. It's also important to know the value of your business and get legal and tax advice early on in the process. 

By creating clear plans for passing on your business or exiting it, you can make sure the transition goes smoothly and your business continues to succeed.


Effective financial planning is important for the success of small businesses. By following the tips discussed in this blog, like managing expenses, investing wisely, and planning for emergencies and retirement, small business owners can steer their finances in the right direction. However, if you find yourself struggling with financial planning or need expert advice, don't hesitate to reach out for help.

Northstar Financial Planning is here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to reach your business goals. With our expertise, you can take your business to the next level and ensure a bright future ahead. So, if you are feeling devastated or unsure about your financial strategy, remember that professional assistance is just a call away. Let Northstar Financial Planning help you navigate your financial journey with confidence and success.

Written by Natalie Marin in collaboration with Lexicon Advisor Marketing

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