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Wealth & Well-Being

DFA Board of Director Eugene Fama awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics

We are pleased to announce that last month, DFA (Dimensional Fund Advisors) board director Eugene Fama was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. Fama shared the prize with Robert J. Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen Eugene.

Eugene Fama, professor at the University of Chicago is known as the father of the "Efficient Markets Theory." Professor Fama's groundbreaking work on asset pricing and markets inspired the founding of Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA). For investors, the main practical implication of the EMT is that attempting to "beat the market" without taking additional risk is a costly and futile endeavor and that you can't add value through individual security selection or "stock picking". Northstar's investment management is grounded in this philosophy and we remain convinced that it serves your best financial interests.

See what Barron's a leading Financial magazine has to say about DFA and "Where the Smart Money is Headed".

Dimensional fund shares are not available directly to individuals but are limited to clients of a select group of fee-only financial advisory firms. The relationship between Dimensional and an independent advisor like Northstar is based on shared views about how capital markets work and how best to provide clients with a successful investment experience.

We at Northstar would like to offer our congratulations to Professor Fama.

For a free consultation and to speak with one of our investment advisors, please call 603.458.2776 or contact us.

Written by Robin Young

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