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Wealth & Well-Being

Complete Guide For Planning Your Retirement

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Planning for retirement is an important aspect of financial stability that everyone should consider. Your income or age should not be a barrier to start thinking about your future. The earlier you begin your retirement planning journey, the more time you have to build a secure financial future. However, it's never too late to start. With the right strategy and understanding of retirement planning basics, you can achieve financial security and peace of mind during your golden years.

In this comprehensive guide, we aim to simplify each aspect of retirement planning. We will start by explaining what retirement planning entails and why it's essential to start early. We will also help you determine how much money you will need to achieve your retirement goals and guide you through the process of creating your personalized retirement plan. Additionally, we will explore the different retirement plans available, the various stages of retirement planning, and other crucial aspects you should consider.

Whether you are just starting or are already actively planning for retirement, this guide is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions. Let's take the first step towards ensuring a brighter future for your retirement!

What Is Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning is a necessary part of our financial lives that often gets overlooked until it's too late. It involves setting clear goals for the amount of money you'll need during retirement and taking the necessary steps to achieve those goals. This may involve analyzing different sources of income that you can rely on in your post-work years such as savings, investments, pensions, or social security. It also requires careful consideration of the expenses you will incur during retirement, such as housing, healthcare, food, and relaxation activities.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when planning for retirement is to start early. This allows you to take advantage of the power of compounding and make smarter investment choices that can grow your savings over time. It also gives you more time to manage risks and take steps to minimize them, such as diversifying your investments or purchasing insurance to cover unexpected expenses.

Planning for retirement may seem stressful, but it's important to take your time and get it right. By setting clear goals, investing regularly, and managing your savings wisely, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are on the path to a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Remember to enjoy the process as well as retirement is about more than just money; it's about having the freedom to pursue your passions and live life on your terms.

What Is The Importance Of Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning plays an important role in securing your financial future by ensuring that you have enough savings to maintain your current lifestyle even after you stop working. Many individuals aim to transition into retirement without the need to continue working full-time, relying on occasional jobs or part-time work might not be sufficient to cover all their expenses. Additionally, while Social Security benefits provide some financial support, they may not be enough to sustain your desired standard of living. 

Thus, it's important to have a carefully considered retirement plan. It enables you to save and invest money in a proactive manner over time, giving you the financial means to enjoy your golden years without concern for money when you retire. Making a plan ahead of time also allows you to travel, follow your passions, spend time with family and friends, and take part in enjoyable activities that will improve your retirement experience in general.

How Much Money Do You Need For Retirement?

Planning for retirement should begin well in advance of your actual retirement date, and the earlier you start, the better. The amount of money you will need to retire comfortably often varies based on your unique financial situation. While there are different guidelines to estimate this amount, it ultimately depends on your individual needs and lifestyle choices.

Various experts suggest different ways to figure out your retirement savings target. Some used to recommend aiming for approximately $1 million as a comfortable retirement fund. Alternatively, the 75% rule is a common guideline, suggesting you should have enough savings to cover 75% of your pre-retirement income. For example, if you were making $100,000 per year, you would ideally need savings that could generate $75,000 annually for around 20 years, including investment income.

However, some experts claim that many retirees are not saving enough to meet these measures and may need to adjust their lifestyle expectations accordingly. Besides considering your retirement savings goal, it's essential to factor in all your retirement expenses, such as buying a house, healthcare, groceries, clothing, transportation, as well as entertainment activities, and travel. While it may be tricky to pinpoint exact amounts, coming up with a realistic estimate can help you plan effectively and avoid financial surprises in retirement.

Retirement Preparation Options

Looking into your retirement savings choices means checking out different types of retirement accounts, each with its own rules and benefits.

  • One choice is employer-sponsored plans like 401(k) or 403(b) plans, which are available to employees of major corporations, public schools, or certain charities. Employer matching contributions are frequently included in these plans, which allows you to contribute automatically from your paycheck and significantly increase your savings. It's a good idea to contribute more than just the amount that gets matched by your employer, aiming for around 10% of your income or more, up to IRS limits.
  • Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are another option, allowing you to put in money before taxes and lower your taxable income. The amount you can contribute is set by the IRS and may change based on your age. When you take money out of a traditional IRA, you pay taxes at your regular rate.
  • Roth IRAs are funded with money that's already been taxed, but they let you take out money tax-free in retirement. They are especially helpful for younger adults. Roth IRAs also allow penalty-free withdrawals for certain reasons, like education costs or buying your first home.
  • For workers at small businesses, SIMPLE IRAs are similar to 401(k) plans. You can contribute automatically through payroll, and your employer may match your contributions up to a certain limit.

Knowing about these retirement savings options can help you make smart decisions and create a plan that works well for your financial goals.

Steps For Planning Your Retirement

Planning for your retirement requires going through important steps to make sure you are ready for the future. By taking these steps, you can create a solid plan that fits your financial goals and lifestyle. Here, we will outline the key steps you need to take to plan for your retirement effectively.

1. Initiate Your Retirement Planning Early - Starting your retirement planning early is important for securing your financial future. While some begin saving for retirement as soon as they start working, it's never too late to start. Even if you are getting started later, like around 30 to 35 years old, taking steps towards retirement planning is still beneficial. The key is to begin as soon as possible and stay committed to building a strong financial base for your retirement.

2. Define Your Retirement Goals And Timeline - Setting clear retirement goals and establishing a timeline is an important step in planning for your retirement. This involves asking yourself some important questions to understand what you want and when you want it. Questions like when you plan to retire, the kind of lifestyle you hope for, how much money you will need, which savings accounts are best, how much to contribute monthly, and how to divide your investments. Answering these questions helps you create a practical plan that fits your retirement dreams and financial situation.

3. Select The Ideal Retirement Investment Accounts - Choosing the right retirement investment accounts is necessary for planning your retirement. Consider employer-sponsored 401(k) plans with automatic savings and potential employer contributions. If unavailable, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are viable options offering tax benefits. Aim to save at least 10% of your income monthly, adjusting contributions as your income grows to meet your retirement goals. Starting early and contributing regularly can significantly impact your retirement savings.

4. Include Healthcare Costs In Your Planning - Including healthcare costs in your retirement planning is important for financial stability and peace of mind later in life. Medical expenses ranging from regular check-ups to emergencies can vary widely, and long-term care costs can be significant. By considering these expenses early and exploring options such as health insurance, Medicare, and long-term care insurance, you can better prepare for healthcare expenses during retirement.

5. Reduce Your Debt Before Retiring - One of the most important parts of retirement planning is paying off debt before you retire. One way to do this is by paying off your debt faster, so it's fully paid off before you retire. Another piece of advice is to stick to your budget by making large purchases with cash or a debit card rather than credit cards. By doing all of this, you can reduce the amount of money you will pay in interest and increase your financial independence when you retire.

6. Set Up Automatic Savings For Retirement - Setting up automatic savings for retirement is an essential part of planning for your future. To make sure you prioritize saving for retirement, consider automatically putting a portion of your income into your retirement savings account every time you get paid. This helps you avoid spending that money on things that may seem urgent but are not as important in the long term. Automatic savings keep your retirement goals in focus and steadily grow your retirement savings over time. 

Stages In Planning For Retirement

Understanding several stages that connect with different life phases is part of retirement planning. It is important to know about these phases to plan for retirement and make future decisions with knowledge.

1. Early Years Of Adulthood - Early adulthood, from ages 21 to 35, is a critical time for retirement planning due to the benefits of compound interest. Despite limited disposable income, starting to invest early can lead to significant growth over time. Compound interest allows money to earn more money, emphasizing the importance of initiating retirement savings during this phase. Starting early maximizes the potential for retirement funds to grow, highlighting the advantage of time in the investment process.

2. Early Middle Age - In the early middle age stage (36-50 years), individuals face financial obligations like paying mortgages and loans. Despite this, saving for retirement remains important due to increased income potential. It's recommended to maximize contributions to retirement accounts like 401(k)s or Roth IRAs and utilize employer matching programs. Consider traditional or Roth IRAs depending on eligibility. Additionally, prioritize life and disability insurance to safeguard family finances without relying on retirement savings in emergencies.

3. Pre-Retirement Years - In the pre-retirement years (50-65 years), shift to safer investments such as Treasury bills for stability. Despite less time to save, higher income and reduced debts allow more for investing. Start or increase contributions to retirement accounts and consider catch-up contributions for those aged 50+. Explore other investments like CDs or real estate. Understand Social Security benefits and consider long-term care insurance. Proper planning ensures financial security for retirement.


It's important to take proactive steps toward planning for your retirement to ensure a secure and enjoyable future. This comprehensive guide has outlined key steps for navigating through each stage of retirement planning, setting clear financial goals, and making well-informed decisions. Starting your retirement savings early, maintaining consistent contributions, and adjusting your plan as necessary are fundamental principles for success.

At Northstar Financial Planning, we understand the importance of retirement planning and are here to offer our expertise and support. If you require assistance with your retirement journey, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalized guidance, sharing valuable insights, and offering customized solutions that align with your unique financial objectives. Together, we can work towards building a brighter financial future and achieving a fulfilling retirement lifestyle.

Written by Robin Young in collaboration with Lexicon Advisor Marketing

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