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Have You Heard About Our Second Opinion Service?

Greetings!With 2013 now underway, many of us have made New Year's resolutions that we're unlikely to keep. Whether we intend to exercise more, eat healthier, or spend more time reading, chances are we'll have given up by the end of January.

According to one study, 88% of all resolutions end in failure. It seems that it's too hard for us to modify our behaviors quickly. We're better off changing our ways over time, as part of a defined process. That's where Northstar comes in.

While we might not be able to help you take off those nagging pounds, we can help you with a resolution you might have made: We can help you (or someone you know) improve your financial situation with our Second Opinion Service.

Our Second Opinion Service starts with a Discovery Meeting, which gives us the opportunity to assess your entire situation. The Discovery Meeting lasts about an hour, and is free.

We use the time to find out about your goals, your values, and figure out if there are any gaps keeping you from achieving what's most important to you. Our promise is this: By the end of the meeting, we'll have a clear understanding if there are any ways we can add significant value. If so, we'll tell you how. If not, we'll help you find someone who can. Most importantly, you will experience peace of mind, knowing that you have done your research and considered all your options.

No sales pitches. No products to sell, just independent, objective advice with an opportunity to ask questions.

So, if you've decided that 2013 is the year for you to improve your financial health, contact us today for a free Discovery Meeting. It's a resolution you'll actually be able to keep.

The Northstar Team

Feel free to call us at 603.458.2776

Written by Robin Young, CFP.

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