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Wealth & Well-Being

How I Came To Be a Financial Advisor

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Welcome to the third feature of our new series, How I Came to Be a Financial Advisor. Every other month we highlight one team member who shares their background in, passion for, and future plans in the financial planning profession. There is truly something special that each individual brings to our team, and we can't wait to share it all with you.

This month, get to know Julie Fortin, Partner and Wealth Manager at Northstar.

1. What drew you to the financial planning profession? 

The desire to help people achieve personal goals and live fulfilling lives. 

2. Were you in a different career before you became a financial planner? 

I have always worked within financial services. Prior to becoming a financial planner, I worked in mutual fund accounting, investment management, and started my own bookkeeping business. The transition into motherhood left me reexamining my career choice, as some big life transitions tend to do.

3. Were there any personal experiences that shaped or motivated you to enter this field?

I've witnessed the power of wealth creation for good and not so good within my own family which motivated me to learn more about money management and how families can create and use wealth to make a positive difference.

4. What do you like most about your profession? 

The world of financial advice is continuously evolving. 

5. What motivates you professionally? 

I'm always thinking about how to better serve our clients and about providing an experience they are not getting anywhere else. 

6. What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Helping people gain clarity around what they really want and then align their financial resources to accomplish those goals is very rewarding. 

7. What are you most excited about, looking at the future of your career? 

The ongoing integration of wealth psychology into the industry and in my work with clients to better help them in achieving financial well-being.

Written by Julie Fortin in collaboration with Lexicon Content Development 

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